How do I register my child to attend the district, and what school would he/she attend?
Please visit our Central Registration page for information on how to register a child within the 杏吧原版.
Central Registration
How can I request a student transcript?
To request a copy of a transcript, please contact the Central Registration office by emailing
How do I contact the transportation/busing department?
The phone number of the Transportation Department for Smithtown CSD is (631) 382-4100. Transportation office hours are Monday through Friday 8AM to 4PM.
All other times, you can reach out directly to the busing companies.
Towne Bus (large buses): (631) 862-2019
Suffolk Transportation (mini buses): (631) 737-0695 x 16
Is the district hiring?
Recruiting for various positions is ongoing throughout the year and based on needs. Non-certified candidates seeking employment (monitors, aides, custodial, support staff) are asked to check our website for current vacancies. Certified candidates (teachers, administrators, teaching assistants) should visit and apply via unless directed otherwise. Selected applicants will be contacted for interviews when postings close.
Employment Opportunities
What adult education classes are offered, and where do I drop off my check?
Adult Education classes and payment information may be found on the Adult Education website available through . You may also access their website by navigating to the Community menu and selecting Adult Education.
When/where does the Board of Education next meet and how may I participate?
The Board of Education calendar may be found here. Guidelines on pubic participation during Board of Education meetings may be found in .
Where can I find Athletics schedules?
Athletics schedules are determined by Section XI. A link to Section XI may be found on our Athletics department page.